Custom Crops are actually custom items, the item created is a seed that is planeted in a farm plot and grows the custom crops.
Creating Crops
To create a custom crop, create a class that overrides CustomCrop
using COTL_API.CustomInventory;using COTL_API.Helpers;using UnityEngine;using System.IO;
public class ExampleSeed : CustomCrop{ override string InternalName => "Example_Seed"; public override string LocalizedName() { return "Example Seed"; } public override string LocalizedDescription() { return "This is an example Seed"; } //used for spawning item in the world public override Sprite Sprite => TextureHelper.CreateSpriteFromPath(Path.Combine(Plugin.PluginPath, "Assets", "example_seed.png")); // used for the inventory public override Sprite InventoryIcon => Sprite;
// these will be the stages of growth for the crop. the last stage is the stage that will get harvested public override List<Sprite> CropStates { get; } = [ TextureHelper.CreateSpriteFromPath(Path.Combine(Plugin.PluginPath, "Assets", "crop_stage_1.png")), TextureHelper.CreateSpriteFromPath(Path.Combine(Plugin.PluginPath, "Assets", "crop_stage_2.png")), TextureHelper.CreateSpriteFromPath(Path.Combine(Plugin.PluginPath, "Assets", "crop_stage_3.png")), TextureHelper.CreateSpriteFromPath(Path.Combine(Plugin.PluginPath, "Assets", "crop_stage_4.png")), ];
public override float CropGrowthTime => 9f;
public override float PickingTime => 10f;
// this will be the result of picking the crop. the first Must be the "crop" result (e.g: pumpkins) and the second Must be the seed (e.g: pumpking seed). it must be at least size 2, anything after 2 is ignored. public override List<InventoryItem.ITEM_TYPE> HarvestResult => [ InvetoryItem.ITEM_TYPE.GOD_TEAR, Plugin.ExampleSeed, ]; public override Vector2Int CropCountToDropRange => new(6, 10); public override string HarvestText => "Pick <color=#DB36DB>Example Seed</color>";
support the following overrides:
Type | Name | Default |
List<InventoryItem.ITEM_TYPE> | HarvestResult | REQUIRED |
List<Sprite> | CropStates | [] |
float | CropGrowthTime | 9f |
float | PickingTime | 2.5f |
Vector2Int | CropCountToDropRange | (3,4) |
string | HarvestText | ”Pick <color=#FD1D03>Berries” |
Custom Crops also support all overrides available for Custom Items.
Adding Crops
To add a custom crop into the game, simply use CustomItemManager.Add(CustomCrop crop)
using COTL_API.CustomInventory;
public static InventoryItem.ITEM_TYPE ExampleSeed { get; private set; }
private void Awake(){ ExampleSeed = CustomItemManager.Add(new ExampleSeed());}
Assigning the result of CustomItemManager.Add()
allows you to reference that crop elsewhere in your code using Plugin.ExampleSeed
Final Steps
For the icon to load, you need to put it in the appropriate location. For the example, this would be /Assets/example_seed.png
relative to the root folder containing the .dll
Directory structure:
📂plugins ┣📂Assets ┃ ┗🖼️example_seed.png ┃ ┗🖼️crop_stage_1.png ┃ ┗🖼️crop_stage_2.png ┃ ┗🖼️crop_stage_3.png ┃ ┗🖼️crop_stage_4.png ┗📜mod_name.dll