Creating Settings
There are three diffent type of settings: Sliders, Dropdowns, HorizontalSelectors, and Toggles.
Sliders have a range of numbers.
Dropdowns have an array of strings.
HorizontalSelectors have an array of strings.
Toggles have a boolean.
To create a setting, you use the respective method in CustomSettingsManager
AddSlider(string? category, string text, float value, float min, float max, int increment, MMSlider.ValueDisplayFormat displayFormat, Action<float>? onValueChanged = null)
AddSavedSlider(string? category, string guid, string text, float value, float min, float max, int increment, MMSlider.ValueDisplayFormat displayFormat, Action<float>? onValueChanged = null)
AddDropdown(string? category, string text, string? value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddSavedDropdown(string? category, string guid, string text, string value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddHorizontalSelector(string? category, string text, string? value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddSavedHorizontalSelector(string? category, string guid, string text, string value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddHorizontalSelector(string? category, string text, string? value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddSavedHorizontalSelector(string? category, string guid, string text, string value, string?[] options, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddToggle(string? category, string text, bool value, Action<bool>? onValueChaginged = null)
AddSavedToggle(string? category, string guid, string text, bool value, Action<bool>? onValueChanged = null)
AddBepInExConfig(string? category, string text, ConfigEntry<string> entry, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddBepInExConfig(string? category, string text, ConfigEntry<float> entry, int increment, MMSlider.ValueDisplayFormat displayFormat, Action<float>? onValueChanged = null)
AddBepInExConfig(string? category, string text, ConfigEntry<int> entry, int increment, MMSlider.ValueDisplayFormat displayFormat, Action<int>? onValueChanged = null)
AddBepInExConfig(string? category, string text, ConfigEntry<bool> entry, Action<bool>? onValueChanged = null)
‘Saved’ settings are automatically saved in the save file (modded_settings.json
‘BepInEx” settings are automatically bined to ConfigEntry, when you update it in-game, the BepInEx config file also update.
Universal Parameters:
determines the header under which the settings appears.
is the visual name of the setting.
is the default value of the setting.
is the callback that runs when the setting is changed.
Saved Setting Parameters:
is the unique identifier prefixed to the category and name. This should usually be the GUID of your plugin. guid
should be unique for all settings across all mods.
Slider Parameters:
and max
are the minimum and maximum values of the slider.
is the increment at which the slider changes when dragged.
determines how the text is displayed. It can be either Percentage
or RawValue
Dropdown Parameters:
is the list of options to choose from.
Horizontal Selector Parameters:
is the list of options to choose from.
Dynamic settings
If you want a setting that can have different options at runtime, you can add a delegate to UIManager.OnSettingsLoaded
that updates the setting.
var selector = CustomSettingsManager.AddSavedHorizontalSelector(...)UIManager.OnSettingsLoaded += delegate () =>{ selector!.Options = ...};